COVID-19 Resources

Get vaccinated at these locations:
Framingham, MA
Chestnut Hill, MA
V-Care Pharmacy of Chestnut Hill offers walk-in appointments only. Call 617 440-9622 for more information.
Providence, RI
Londonderry, NH
Schedule Your Vaccination through our app, RxLocal!
Host a Mass Clinic at Your Location
Does your organization want to host a COVID-19 vaccination clinic? We can offer hassle-free, on-site clinics to schools, workplaces, low income housing, worship centers, university campuses, community centers, and more.
We are committed to ensuring our communities are safe from COVID-19, and this means hosting clinics anywhere people need them. We can offer COVID-19 vaccines to everyone, regardless of insurance status, citizenship status, or background. All at no cost to the organization and to the individuals being vaccinated!
COVID-19 Information
This will vary based on your age, date of last dose, and more. Click here to learn more.
Different vaccines have been available throughout the pandemic. Click here for up-to-date information regarding available vaccines.
May 11, 2023, marks the end of the federal COVID-19 PHE (Public Health Emergency) declaration. After this date, CDC’s authorizations to collect certain types of public health data will expire. Click here to see what this means for you and for ongoing COVID-19 prevention.
Alongside getting vaccinated, the CDC has several suggestions for continuing COVID-19 prevention. Click here to learn more.
No problem! The CDC has put together a list of Frequently Asked questions about the COVID-19 Vaccine on their website. Click here to read more.

Our Response to the
COVID-19 Pandemic
Although 2020 may feel like a lifetime ago, you probably remember the mad scramble to get vaccinated against COVID-19. While many larger, corporate pharmacy chains struggled to handle day-to-day operations plus extreme vaccine demand, V-Care Pharmacy worked obsessively to tackle the issue. We increased our number of vaccinators, utilized our tight-knit network of pharmacies to manage vaccine-availability, and we reached out directly to key community leaders/organizations to create mass vaccination events that bolstered immunity of our community’s most vulnerable. Our founder made it his personal goal to provide over 20,000 vaccination doses to our local communities. We surpassed this goal, reaching over 26,000 vaccinations by January of 2022!